Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Pricing
PRP Treatments
His & Her- shot | PRP Facial | PRP Breast Lift | PRP Butt Lift | PRP Joint Injection
$1,o00 – Includes A Penile Pump
This procedure injects your body’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) which is injected into the penis to improve sexual function.
Treatments may have to be repeated in some men, depending on the results.
Once the therapeutic effect is reached maintenance treatments are needed every 12-18 months.
This procedure injects your body’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into your vagina and clitoris to improve sexual function. Treatments may have to be repeated in some women, depending on the results.
Once the therapeutic effect is reached maintenance treatments are needed every 12-18 months.

PRP Facial
The Facial is a treatment that consists of micro-needling of the face with application of your own body’s platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
This procedure helps with facial scarring, melasma, hyperpigmentation, as well as, improvement to the elasticity of your skin.
PRP Breast Lift
This procedure involves using your body’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and injecting it into the medial breast which gives a more rounded appearance and increases cup size.
PRP Joint Injection
This procedure involves using your body’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and injecting it into the medial joint or are of concern of pain.